
Tropicana, Havana


Beyonce – Halo


The Script at V Festival


Dancing in the day.


V Festival 2013


I love this Guy, but he is a terrible dancer.

Pub fun after one too many.


Summer Sundays

The Trials and Tribulations of Saving

Since making the wild and wacky decision to go travelling at some point next year. Me and my beloved and decided that we are going to frantically save until that time comes. So far we have cancelled our subscription to SKY, and we have switched Energy Providers (N Power to Scottish Power, due to N Power’s outrageous 10.4% increase).

I’m trying to think of ways which I can save more money… I’m willing to do just about anything. I’ll eBay my belongings (along with some of Ryan’s belongings), I will forever shop at Aldi and Lidl and stay away from Marks and Spencer and Sainsburys.

Keep your eyes peeled for some of my items coming up on my eBay account – lucindagormley10

You never know… my trash could be your treasure.


Will certainly reveal more later…

2014 plans

If you have previously read my blog you will know that I have always wanted to go travelling and it looks like those dreams may come true next year. We have been talking and talking, flicking through holiday catalogues and browsing the web for travelling ideas and we have FINALLY sort of decided a route.

Me and Ryan have decided to go travelling next year around April/May time… 1 because it is low season (accorrding to the travel agent) and also because it’s something which we both desperately want to do.

Our route which we are planning to go is…

London >  Las Vegas > Los Angeles > Rarotonga > Fiji > Whitsunday Islands > French Polynesia > Auckland > Christchurch > Melbourne > Brisbane > Singapore > Ho Chi Minh City > Phuket > London

And there we have it. Our itinerary!

I have no qualms with backpacking and roughing it slightly, surely that is part of the experience?! I really just want to see the world in all its beauty, regardless of whether I have washed my hair or not.

We are thinking of buying our flight tickets at christmas, this way we can’t put anything off because I am obviously the Queen of that.

That’s the idea anyway, it’s probably just best to see what happens.